Pen Ultimate Rare Books

“Consciousness, Purpose and Happiness,” September 20, 1955

“Consciousness, Purpose and Happiness,” September 20, 1955

You’ve never read it. Now you can own it. 

Never published, this full-length article, written to and for herself with few deletions or revisions (unique among Rand manuscripts), “Consciousness, Purpose and Happiness,” September 20, 1955, explains with characteristically ruthless logic Rand’s uniquely Objectivist premise that purposeful, goal-directed thinking prescribes human happiness. Written in preparation for the final wording of Galt’s speech, Ayn Rand elucidates “the unique property of a human consciousness,” demanding from herself every ounce of clarity she could summon and sculpt. Finally, she arrives at the most astonishing, utterly unanswerable conclusion you’ll never see coming. Imagine owning an unpublished Rand article written with her own pen!

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