Pen Ultimate Rare Books

[LINCOLN, Abraham] Emancipation Proclamation: First Printing obtainable

[LINCOLN, Abraham] Emancipation Proclamation: First Printing obtainable
  • [CIVIL WAR; EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION]. LINCOLN, ABRAHAM. General Orders, Containing General Order No. 139, the Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation “That on the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, all persons held as slaves within any State or designated area of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free….”
  • FIRST OBTAINABLE PRINTING OF THE PRELIMINARY EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION, setting a date for the freedom of more than three million enslaved in the United States and reframing the Civil War as a fight against slavery. Issued by the War Department to regimental commanders in the field during the Civil War in the week after the completion of President Lincoln’s official manuscript version. Contained is a set of three volumes of General Orders covering the full year 1862, July-Dec 1863, and the full year 1864.Lincoln had long hoped to resolve the slavery issue through a congressional act of
    emancipation compensating slave owners for their loss of “property,” but that approach was roundly rejected by representatives from the border states, leaving the President, who had decided upon the necessity of emancipation, with a presidential proclamation as the only option. 
  • The extraordinary document he conceived would announce the liberation on January 1, 1863, of all slaves in those states still in rebellion against the Union, and promised compensation to slaveowners in those states that returned to the fold before that time if they adopted “immediate or gradual abolishment of slavery.” This proclamation would be followed by a final proclamation issued on the 1st of January, identifying those states still in rebellion and confirming the liberation of all states therein.


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