Pen Ultimate Rare Books

The Fountainhead: Inscribed 25 Anniversary Edition

The Fountainhead: Inscribed 25 Anniversary Edition

"I know the nature of this novel," announced an unknown Ayn Rand to Isabel Paterson upon the original publication of The Fountainhead, 1943. "I do not care to become famous for any other" (Branden, 177). Rand got what she cared for!

SIGNED/Inscribed 25 Anniversary Edition, 1968, First Printing, of Rand's enduring celebration of the individual spirit -- its timeless theme, "individualism vs. collectivism, not in politics but in man's soul" -- in its dust jacket featuring a reproduction of a painting by Rand's artist-husband, Frank O'Connor. Perinn A3g. This edition includes the special Introduction Rand wrote for the Anniversary. If you first read The Fountainhead between 1968 and 1993 as I did, this is very likely the first appearance of the edition you read.

Originally rejected by twelve publishers, "some of whom declared it was 'too intellectual," 'too controversial,' and would not sell because no audience existed for it" (Rand, Introduction to The Fountainhead, 1968), The Fountainhead is now considered a modern classic, STILL in print in hardcover more than 80 years after its original publication.

"This is one of the cardinal reasons behind The Fountainhead's lasting appeal: it is a confirmation of the spirit of youth, proclaiming man's glory, showing how much is possible" (Introduction).

A fine copy in a fine jacket with only minor edgewear; no writings or marks of any kind save for Rand's inscription on the half-title Outstanding provenance: this copy inscribed to one of Rand's employees in the year of publication. .An extraordinarily rare Rand acquisition in highly prized condition. Book #Bv2427


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